Brief History of Yoga

Yoga, fundamentally a spiritual discipline rooted in an intricate science, focuses on establishing harmony between the mind and body—an art and science of healthy living.

The term "Yoga" originates from the Sanskrit root "Yuj," meaning "to join," "to yoke," or "to unite." According to Yogic scriptures, the practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with the Universal
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Ardh chakra asan

Half-circle Posture, Ardha Chakra Asan, Half round .


Bhadrasana is considered as the 4th Asana appropriate


Bhujangasana is a reclining back-bending asana in hatha yoga


Padahastasana is also known as Hand to Foot Pose


Sukhasana is a simple asana which can be easily


Tadasana, Mountain pose or Samasthiti is a standing asana


Trikonasana or Utthita Trikonasana


Vajrasana is considered a base pose

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